Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm No Richard Simmons

I think I'm stuck in a time warp. I've been the same weight since high school, and as you may have read, that weight is significantly lower than it should be.

A couple years ago, I decided I'd finally give this "exercise" thing a try. I bought a couple resistance bands and a set of DVDs that offered both strength training and cardiovascular exercise and made a few goals. That was exhausting enough, but I thought I'd still give it a try. I worked out six days a week for two months straight. Here are the results:

Significant muscle soreness
Had to wake up at 5 a.m. every morning
More energy
MUCH bigger appetite (eating almost constantly)
Not winded after a flight of stairs

But here's the kicker ...

Absolutely NO physical change whatsoever.

I was exactly the same as when I started. Still at my same weight, I had a thought.

Yeah, I felt better, but in looking at the pros and cons, feeling a little bit better didn't compensate enough for the effort of getting up every morning at 5 a.m. and feeling like crap while trying to stretch those resistance bands over my head. I know I should have a better attitude about it, but right now it feels pretty nice to sleep in for that extra hour.


JMadd said...

You don't want to be Richard Simmons. I saw him on TV last week and he is creepy with a capital "C".

Anonymous said...

While I'm glad you're not an exercise fanatic, we both need to exercise more regularly. I would really prefer it if we both didn't die early. =)

Hane-nahMarie said...

Oh I know! I eman when I start working out, the rest of my day is eating and sleeping. so I basically become worthless for all other activities in life. I'd skip out on this whole be healthy and exercise stuff.