Monday, April 20, 2009

My alter ego

I found this Pro Wrestler Name Generator online.

According to the site, my name is Titanic Frost. I think I'm going to go by that from now on. That way, at least my name will be intimidating.

There is even a girl version. My wife is now Lush Justice and my daughter is Honey Jane.

What's yours?

Disclaimer: I'm not really a fan of wrestling, just to be clear.


krystal said...

Wow. Lush Justice. That sounds a little pornish, doesn't it?

trublubyu said...

here's the deal:
my name now: bella nova
my maiden name version: brassy tigress
my maiden name + married name: lovely moolah

hmmmm, which to choose?

JMadd said...

Dirty Jello Fighter. The others sound more nasty than that, so I won't repeat.