Saturday, April 18, 2009

How To Article of the Week

This week: How to Dye Hair With Kool Aid

Do people actually do this? I've just never heard of it before.


krystal said...

I haven't heard of people doing it intentionally. I've heard of someone doing it to someone else...

Super Happy Girl said...

"This will make your hair smell"
Oh boy.

Unknown said...

Just catching up on the blog...yes, people use kool-aid to dye their hair, primarily in the punk-music circles. Yields excellent results when combined with elmer's white glue for extra special mohawk occasion. For example: Let's say you want to make a mohawk because you are going to see some sort of punk band at a show in the basement of some alternative culture restaurant. One could use kool-aid and elmer's glue to quickly coif one's hair to sub-culture perfection and then return to a white-collared world of normalcy in the morning with a quick shampoo.

(disclaimer: my hair is quite tastefully done, and contains no kool-aid; not now, and not ever. :)