Tuesday, November 17, 2009

{insert the coolest title you can think of here}

Before I get to the post, I have to make one tangent.

(Be warned this is an inside joke that won't be funny to anyone but a few.)

The title I wanted to give this post (except that no one would get it and I'd probably open myself up to tons of unwanted spam):

Sexy Bandwidth 2.0
(End Tangent)

I have arrived.

The person who first made me think about starting a blog is letting me guest post on hers (I just hope my idiocy doesn't downgrade her credibility in her readers' eyes).

So, if you don't already know about if i were really skinny, you should.

Go there, but when you see how much greener the grass is on the other side, try to come back every once in a while to remember the guy who is arguably responsible for your enlightenment.

1 comment:

Christie said...

For the record, I followed Holly's blog first and then drifted over to yours. So you can take a little credit for talent. :)