Thursday, November 19, 2009

UP - Best part of the movie

I saw UP this week. First, I thought it was great. Second, I'm amazed at how the Pixar creators capture body language and other movement in computer animation so perfectly. I'm starting to wonder if they're witch doctors or aliens.

My favorite joke?


If you haven't seen the part, here it is:


Holly said...

i absolutely ADORE this movie and doug is my favorite character. "my name is doug. i have just met you and i LOVE you," is our favorite one liner to recite several times a week.

krystal said...

That is a very funny part, but watching you laugh at it is even more funny.

Shauna said...

I LOVE this movie. My favorite part is the opening sequence that is set to music. By the end of it I was tearing up and had to remind myself that I was watching a cartoon. Pixar has such a gift for storytelling and capturing the subtleties of human emotion. This was just such a great movie...and Carter loves it. It is nice to have something I can pop in and know he will be STILL for like 10 minutes so I can do my hair ;)

politicchic6 said...

I am not typically weepy... and I cried FOUR times when I watched this in the theater. I liked Kevin.

Heather said...

Loved this movie- took my 8 year old and one of his friends when it came out and it was spectacular in 3D. My son and I say "Squirrel" to each other all the time, usually when one of us goes off on random tangent